Advantages of electroforming metal stickers process

nickel metal sticker 42 JTT logos | China Professional Custom Metallic Logo Stickers Manufacturers, Factory

Advantages of electroforming metal stickers process: Electroforming products have strong metal sense, high grade and good wear resistance. The inner surface of the more difficult-to-process parts can be processed to form the outer surface of the core, and the metal that is difficult to form can be processed into easy-to-form core materials (such as wax, […]

Jakie są zalety metalowych naklejek wytrawionych ze stali nierdzewnej?

stainless steel metal sticker 40 JTT logos | China Professional Custom Metallic Logo Stickers Manufacturers, Factory

In our life, stainless steel etched metal stickers can be said to be ubiquitous and play a very important role, so what are the advantages of stainless steel etched metal stickers? Stainless steel etched metal stickersare lighter in weight Stainless steel metal stickers are hard and do not need to be as thick as aluminum alloy, so […]

Rodzaj kleju używanego do metalowych naklejek logo

nickel metal sticker 19 JTT logos | China Professional Custom Metallic Logo Stickers Manufacturers, Factory

As we all know, metal logo stickers are made of stainless steel, nickel and other metals as basic materials, which are processed by technology. These processes generally include etching, electroforming, electroplating, oil spraying, etc. Today this article mainly introduces you to: What glue is commonly used for metal logo stickers? Hot melt adhesive glue Hot […]

Jaka jest zasada technologii elektroformingowych metalowych naklejek?

nickel metal sticker 10 JTT logos | China Professional Custom Metallic Logo Stickers Manufacturers, Factory

Electroformed metal stickers is a high-grade and high-end stickers with a strong metal texture. It is one of the common metal stickers varieties in daily life, such as: car logos, high-end luggage leather goods, furniture, golf clubs, etc. Many high-grade packages with texture almost choose to be electroformed metal stickers, so what is the production […]

Notes on real gold plating and imitation gold plating of metal stickers

63 JTT logos | China Professional Custom Metallic Logo Stickers Manufacturers, Factory

True gold plating, as the name implies, that is, the surface layer is plated with real gold. Real gold plating has bright color, strong metal feeling, not easy to be oxidized, color retention time is long, looks like noble like real gold. Among them, electroplating can be divided into 18K gold, 20K gold, and 24K […]

Charakterystyka i wydajność naklejek niklu

112 JTT logos | China Professional Custom Metallic Logo Stickers Manufacturers, Factory

Nikielne poszycie jest jednym z powszechnych procesów galwanizacji w produkcji odznaki. Zasadniczo srebrne odznaki są w większości pozbawione niklu, ale mniej srebrne. Ponieważ efekt poszycia niklu jest bardzo zbliżony do efektu srebrnego poszycia, branża ogólnie nazywa srebrne poszycie nikiel. Pojawienie się odznaki niklu jest bardzo podobne do […]

What are the classification of metal stickers production process?

nickel metal sticker 35 JTT logos | China Professional Custom Metallic Logo Stickers Manufacturers, Factory

Metal stickers are increasingly used in various fields of modern society, and are widely used in electronic products, home appliances, machinery and civilian products. Metal stickers are mainly made of copper, iron, aluminum, zinc alloy, lead-tin alloy and other raw materials, and are manufactured by stamping, die casting, etching, printing, enamel, enamel imitation, baking paint and other […]

Proces produkcyjny naklejek ze stali nierdzewnej

stainless steel metal sticker 42 JTT logos | China Professional Custom Metallic Logo Stickers Manufacturers, Factory

Każdy powinien wiedzieć, że płyta logo ze stali nierdzewnej jest wykonana z płyty ze stali nierdzewnej i przetwarzana za pomocą zaawansowanej technologii różnych płyt logo. Charakterystyką płytki identyfikacyjnej ze stali nierdzewnej jest to, że nie będzie rdzewieć, a żywotność serwisowa jest stosunkowo długa. Najważniejszą rzeczą jest wyjątkowa uroczystość […]

Unikalne znaczenie metalowych naklejek logo

nickel metal sticker 38 JTT logos | China Professional Custom Metallic Logo Stickers Manufacturers, Factory

In the era of rapid development of high-tech metal logos, the role of packaging, printing, desticker and the transmission of metal logos is becoming more and more important. The development of this non-verbal transmission has the competitiveness to compete with language transmission. And stickerage is one of the unique transmission methods. When people see the rise […]

What should be paid attention to during the etching process?

stainless steel metal sticker 1 JTT logos | China Professional Custom Metallic Logo Stickers Manufacturers, Factory

Interpretation: Etching is the removal of material by chemical reaction or physical impact. Classification Etching techniques can be divided into wet etching and dry etching. Principle Etching is usually called photochemical etching. It refers to the place where the photochemically etched area is to be protected after photolithography or development. During etching, the chemical solution […]