In our lives, the application of stainless steel sticker is becoming more and more extensive, so I think everyone should know what stainless steel sticker are, so do you know what equipment you need to use when making stainless steel sticker? If you are not very clear, Don’t worry, the staff of JTT logo will specifically introduce […]
Shenzhen JTT Precision Metal Co., Ltd recently introduced advanced nickel foil logo metal label production equipment and processes, and hired technical experts in the industry for technical guidance. After hard exploration and bold innovation, we successfully developed breakthrough new technologies such as pure nickel labeling, nickel metal internal casting, and laser anti-counterfeiting, which filled many […]
The electroformed nickel sticker is a new type of metal convex sticking electroformed label, also known as metal split self-adhesive label, metal patch, electroformed patch, electroformed trademark, electric logo, 3D convex word label, metal mobile word label , Nibo characters, metal logo labeling and so on. Metal split self-adhesive signs are mainly made of nickel metal, copper, […]
The etching sticker is very popular in the market now, and many professions will use this skill. In the market, you can also see various forms of metal etching. It can change the shape of the original product and improve the sales of the product. The amount, whether it is workmanship or quality, will not […]
Metal etching is also called metal corrosion, or photochemical etching. Refers to the process of exposure and development to transfer the pattern of the product to the metal steel sheet, protect the area to be etched, expose the protective film of the area that does not need to be etched to the metal part, and […]
The specification of logo – Tesla Motors Logo Sticker Type: electroforming logos (it’s also called thick logos, Mechanics Nameplate sticker, hardware label, plate, metal logo, laser sticker, laser metal label) Size: 79mm*11mm Thickness: 0.12mm (less than 3mm, the relief or raised part is 0.4-0.7mm, and the font height is not more than 0.3mm.) Material: Nickel Effect: silver (it required no hemp points and scratches on the surface.It can be combined with twill, […]
Information of the nameplate – Mechanics Nameplate sticker Type: stainless steel nameplate (also etched sign, metal nameplate) Size: 25.17mm*9mm (other sizes are available within 360*240mm) Thickness: 0.2mm (available thickness0.1-0.5mm) Material: Stainless steel (the internal structure of stainless steel is tight and hard to be oxidized. It can resist corrosion caused by acid, alkali and salt. It also has many special properties, such […]
Informacje o tabliczce znamionowej: Typ: tablica znamionowa ze stali nierdzewnej (także znakowany znak, metalowa tablica znamionowa) Rozmiar: 25,17 mm*9 mm (inne rozmiary są dostępne w obrębie 360*240 mm) Grubość: 0,2 mm (dostępna grubość 0,1-0,5 mm) Materiał: stal nierdzewna (wewnętrzna struktura stali nierdzewnej jest ciasna i trudna do utlenionego utlenionego. Może to opierać kwasowo, a także solą i solą. It również ma specjalne i specjalne. Właściwości, takie jak wydajność optyczna, trawienie […]
Information of the nameplate: Type: stainless steel sign (also etched sign, metal sign or logo) Size: 25.17mm*9mm (other sizes are available within 360*240mm) Thickness: 0.2mm (available thickness0.1-0.5mm) Material: Stainless steel (the internal structure of stainless steel is tight and hard to be oxidized. It can resist corrosion caused by acid, alkali and salt. It also has many special […]
Specyfikacja logo : Typ: Nickel cienkie logo (zwana również etykietą galwaniczną, etykietą logo sprzętową, etykietą sprzętową) Grubość: 0,04 mm-0,13 mm Materiał: Nickel (nikiel używany przez Jintaitong jest importowany z Kanady, który jest ochroną środowiskową i bez zanieczyszczenia) Efekt: Złota (również dostępna dla jasnych, matowych, srebrnych, złota, koloru pistoletu, szczotki sieciowej) Adheseve: Glue (OR-OR Zanieczyszczenia (OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR. Klej): Kleja wody stosuje się do wiązania powierzchniowego. Siła wiązania jest dobra i […]